vineri, 4 ianuarie 2013

In the death of night

*The blackbird was chirping while we couldn't hold our tears.
Take this bird's song and bury it in your heart.
Unearth it when you will miss me.
Remember it while you will dream about me.
Can you feel my touch in the cold, lonely night?
Stay with me.
Love me forever.
Remember me as long as you live.
I will send the blackbird in the darkest hours.
She will sing to you that soothing song and you will think of me.
Your warm embrace,
your candid tears,
your wishful eyes,
your soft hair, 
your gentle kiss,
your comforting voice,
I could never ever live without them.
We won't let the blackbird's chirp to fade away in time.

*(fhis is my first attempt to write a poem in English)

2 comentarii:

  1. dedicatie?:)) prima in engleza?
    misto ba.
    mi greu sa zic cat si cum e sau nu.
    cat despre faza cu prima in engleza, la faza asta m-ai facut ca nici acuma nu am scris in engleza poezii.

    1. faza asta cu prima...hmm nu stiu cum sa o explic mai bine ( dar sunt sigura ca tu ai inteles deja )
      si...mersi fain :D apreciez.
